Friday, May 15, 2015

Rise of the Dawnbearer - Part 5: An Unlikely Ally

Ellana stared out at Raxogar. When she had first looked upon him earlier that evening she had seen him as a monster, a feral animal of impulse and rage. As he turned to face her, Ellana’s eyes met with his. The inky blackness she had first seen in them was gone, replaced instead by a warm golden glow. As she peered into his eyes, Ellana felt a sense of ease wash over her.

Raxogar’s gaze switched between Ellana and the woman lying near her on the ground partly obscured by the wagon. He swivelled around but saw no one else in the vicinity. He then realized he could not hear any sounds of battle either. The fighting was over, but there was no way to know which side was victorious.

Quickly and with purpose, Raxogar strode over to where Ellana was kneeling on the ground near her mother. Instinctively she scrambled backwards, but stopped as Raxogar neared and held out his hand towards her. Though it was covered in blood, Ellana took his hand and pulled herself with his assistance to her feet. As she once again gazed into his eyes she felt a measure of safety by his presence.

“We must go” Raxogar stated. Ellana heard only the guttural articulation of the draconic language, but by his tone and body language she understood his meaning. She nodded and turned to where her mother’s unconscious form still lay.

Raxogar bent down over Elisya and looked her over. Apart from her unconscious state, she appeared uninjured. He placed one arm under her knees, the other behind her shoulders, and carefully picked her up. Looking over his shoulder he nodded at Ellana and together they strode around the corner of the wagon towards the darkness.

As Ellana turned the corner she encountered a sight that shocked her more than anything she had seen so far that night. Due to her mother’s quick thinking Ellana did not witness the death of Darak at the hands of Mondaresh. Having now come into view of where he fell she froze, staring at the Dwarven warrior’s head, unable to move or look away.

As she started to tremble, Ellana felt a strong feeling of dread pervade her body. Her heart raced and her muscles tensed. She felt the overwhelming desire to turn and run away into the darkness, but her legs would not let her. She could feel Raxogar staring at her but could neither say nor do anything to explain her current state.

With great courage Ellana stepped forwards towards her fallen friend. Upon approaching his severed head she fell to her knees and started sobbing uncontrollably. As she struggled to breathe through her dry mouth she stared into his still open eyes. With a trembling hand she reached over her friends face and closed his eyes, closing her own as she did so.

After several minutes Ellana started to recover from the shock and despair she had felt for her fallen friend. Wiping the tears from her eyes she slowly stood up and turned towards Raxogar. He stood motionless, his head bowed solemnly, Elisya bearing heavily upon his arms. Upon her approach Raxogar raised his eyes towards Ellana, his empathy towards visible in the furled brow and slumped shoulders. Without words the two turned away and walked forward into the darkness.

The two made their way quickly through the dimness with only the light of the crescent moon to illuminate their path. Though exhausted after the fight against his brother, Raxogar pushed on for several hours until fatigue started to slow him down. He stumbled several times on the loose earth before tripping on a tree root and falling to his knees. Still holding the unconscious Elisya, with great effort he lifted his leg to get back to his feet.

Seeing the exhaustion on his face, Ellana laid a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. “You should rest” she said softly. As he attempted to stand again she pushed down more forcibly on his shoulder.

Bowing his head, Raxogar gave in to the obvious signal from Ellana. He carefully laid the form of her mother on the ground before slumping backwards onto the ground. His head falling backwards, he took several long deep breaths as he let his muscles relax without the weight of Ellana’s mother weighing him down.

After several minutes of silent rest, the quiet stillness was interrupted by a soft moan. Elisya’s body shifted as she started to regain consciousness. Ellana, who had been sitting next to her mother holding her hand, knelt over her and gently shook her by the shoulders.

“Mother?” she questioned as she attempted to rouse her. Her pensive look softened as Elisya’s eyes slowly opened.

“Ellana?” she softly spoke. Through unfocused eyes she could barely make out her daughter’s face, but there was no mistaking her soft voice. She reached up towards her daughter, cupping her check in her hand. Still lying on her back, as her eyes refocused she looked around at trees above her.

“Where are we? What happened?” she asked.

As Ellana helped her mother into a sitting position she explained what had happened. “We were attacked by another one of those creatures. We managed to escape…” Ellana paused as she figured out a way to explain their current circumstances. “… With a little help from a new friend.” Ellana bit her lip nervously as her eyes shifted towards Raxogar.

As Elisya turned and saw the Dragonborn, now standing again and only a few meters away from them, she instinctively scrambled backwards in self-preservation. Grabbing Ellana by the arm she made to get to her feet and escape, but Ellana resisted.

“Run! Go!” she yelled, trying to pull Ellana with her.

“It’s ok mom” Ellana pleaded, attempting to hold her mother from fleeing. “He saved us from them. He got us out of there, both of us!”

Still looking terrified, Elisya looked from Ellana to the young Dragonborn. He stood silently watching them. Her actions and tone made it clear what she was saying, even if her words did not. Attempting to assist in calming her, Raxogar took half a step forward, his hand reaching in front of him. As he noticed Elisya recoil he stopped to think. After a brief pause he retracted his hand and calmly thought of a better way to assure her of his intentions. He took back his step and knelt down on one knee, bowing his head in submission.

Elisya took several deep breaths as she thought about the situation. Looking from her daughter to Raxogar and back again, she relaxed her grip on Ellana’s arm and seemingly accepted her account. Seeing the young Dragonborn in supplication, she took a step towards him.

The crisp crack of a broken twig rent through the still night air. Elisya’s grip on her daughter’s arm once again tightened, and Raxogar sprang to his feet turning towards the source of the sound. Concentrating all of his attention toward the source of the disturbance, Raxogar squinted in an effort to make out the cause.

After several tense moments of silence, Raxogar relaxed. Elisya released her breath, not realising she had been holding it during that moment of tension. She lowered her eyes and lessened her grip on her daughter’s arm before looking back up at the face of the young Dragonborn. Raxogar too looked at her, and in a moment of eye contact each understood that it was in their best interests to work together to survive this night. That moment of understanding however was suddenly broken.

With a soft thud, an arrow lodged itself in Raxogar’s back. The Dragonborn grimaced in pain as the impact forced him forward a step. He turned towards what he thought to be the source of the attack, only to be hit again by another arrow, this one lodging itself in his chest below the clavicle.

Raxogar again growled in pain as he stumbled backwards on to one knee. Searching again for the source he saw emerging from the darkness a large figure carrying a heavy bow. Though he could not distinguish any facial features, by the size and shape of the mysterious figure he quickly identified the form.

Into the soft moonlight stepped a large Dragonborn, one of the largest of his clan. His immense frame was covered in rippling muscles. His scales were a reddish brown with crimson tinges around the edges. Across one side of his bare chest were a series of claw marks, undoubtedly from previous combat with large beast of some kind. Strung across his back he bore an immense two-handed Greataxe, and in his left hand he held a gnarled longbow.

Raxogar felt a sudden weight in his chest drop as the imposing figure of Draakor, Warmaster of the Krakdargarok clan, bore down upon him. Draakor was the most powerful Dragonborn of his clan, undefeated in battle. He took no prisoners, felt no remorse. The edges of his scales had been stained red by all of the blood he had shed over his lifetime. Having seen him in battle firsthand, Raxogar knew he was no match for the Warmaster.

Grasping the shaft of the arrow embedded in his chest, Raxogar snapped the end off in his hand and bitterly threw it into the dirt. Closing his eyes, Raxogar quietly accepted defeat.

Death had come.

To be continued …