Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Rise of the Dawnbearer - Part 10: An Icy Reception

Rax pushed hard against the solid metal doors, yet they opened with ease.  Swinging inwards they revealed the grand foyer of the Dawnbearer manor. At first Rax thought this room must be the entirety of the house, judging by its size alone. However he could see several doors on each side of the entrance hall, along with a grand staircase opposite the front doors.

Rax took a few tentative steps forward across the solid marble floor. Each step echoed like thunder in the night. Like the floor the walls were white marble, with deep coloured veins running all across them. The continuous finish made it appeared to Rax as though the entire room were hewn from one giant piece of stone.

Along each wall stood several wooden doors, each ornately fashioned with brass fixtures. Adorning the walls between each of the doors were large black marble pots containing exotic plants, as well as richly detailed paintings which, to Rax at least, seemed almost life-like.

Across from the open doors stood a grand staircase which rose to the upper landing. Flanking the bottom steps stood a pair of marble statues, one male and one female. The male statue stood in a suit of plate armour and brandished a longsword. His female counterpart stood in a garb of chainmail and held a heavy mace with both of her hands.  Each of the two sculptures seemed to be bathed in a holy light, the source of which could not be identified.

Almost lost in the transcended visage of this antechamber, Rax jumped with a start when a tall elven man appeared by the base of the stairs. The man ignored the young Dragonborn and made his way directly towards Baroghan, whom he addressed with reverence.

“Salutations, my lord. We received your missive not three days ago. All has been prepared as per your request. I have been informed your guest has arrived in the city and will be joining us shortly.”

“Thank you Beren” replied Baroghan. He took a satchel from off his shoulder and handed it to the elf. “Is Saronten nearby?” he asked.

The elf took the bag from his master and responded. “He should be returning any moment from his morning session with Quor’ra.” Beren took a moment and looked over at Rax. “I take it this is our new addition?” he asked. Rax shifted nervously.

“Yes” he responded. Indicating to the young Dragonborn he said “This is Raxogar.”

Beren took a step towards Rax and bowed. “Greetings, I am Beren Veranthion, keeper of the Dawnbearer estate. Should you need any, it is my duty to assist you in any way necessary.”

Rax stood puzzled for a moment. He had never been addressed with such reverence and was unsure how to act. Nervously he gave a short bow to the elf. Beren straightened and once again turned towards Baroghan.

“I shall have your effects brought in and dismiss the driver, if there is nothing further?” said Beren.

Baroghan responded. “Please let me know as soon as the lady arrives.”

With a short bow Beren turned and walked out to the waiting carriage. As Rax caught up with himself again he was jolted by a loud shout from behind him.

“Father!” yelled the voice with exuberance.

Rax was almost bowled over as a young man swiftly made his way passed him and embraced Baroghan. The paladin returned the embrace with vigour.

“It is good to see you, Saronten.” Baroghan released his hold his son. Rax could now look over the young man in full.

Saronten Dawnbearer
Original by Schnedler
Saronten was in his late teens, just about to enter into manhood judging by the peach fuzz on his chin. The handsome features of his face were framed by shoulder length blonde hair. His red velvet tunic and breeches were lined with a fine gold trim, and at his waist he wore a longsword, the guard of which resembled a sun rising over the horizon. He seemed to stand very tall to Rax, though he was not more than six inches greater in height.

While Rax was looking over his new brother, Elisya and Ellana both stepped forward and embraced him. As Saronten released Ellana he scratched the top of her head with his knuckles, with a little more force than was necessary. Ellana recoiled in discomfort.

“I see you survived the wilds then, Lanie?” Saronten said with laugh.

It was at this point that Saronten noticed the young Dragonborn standing in the middle of the foyer. His smile faded into a look of puzzlement.

“What are you supposed to be?” Saronten asked bluntly.

Rax was caught completely off guard by the young man’s question. His lower jaw fell slack as he tried to comprehend what Saronten had just said. He was given some time to react as both Baroghan and his wife jumped to his defence.

“Saronten!” Baroghan responded angrily. “That’s not the way to treat our new family member!”

“That’s incredibly rude!” added Elisya. “Apologise at once!”

“Well I’m sorry,” he said insincerely, “but when I got your message and it said you were bringing home a new family member, I assumed it was some sort of pet for Lanie. I wasn’t expecting…“ He indicated to Rax. “… This!”

“His name is Rax!” stated Ellana defiantly. “He saved our lives.”

“Saronten” Baroghan leaned forward and placed his hand on his son’s shoulder. “This young Dragonborn showed greater courage than a man twice his age. He stood against his own kin to save your mother and sister, and he came to my aid when I needed it. I believe the Gods brought him to us, and for that I have brought him in to our home.”

Saronten glared at Rax for a few moments before responding. Though his words were welcoming, Rax couldn’t help but feel that they were hollow.

“I am grateful for what you have done. I don’t know what I would have done if everyone had not returned safely.”

Saronten gave a short nod of appreciation. Slightly confused, Rax returned it with a nervous bow.

Saronten turned back to his family. “You must all be hungry after the long journey at sea. I’ll check on the kitchens whilst you all settle in.” He turned on his heel and briskly made his way through one of the doors leading off from the foyer.

For a moment Rax thought he saw a troubling look between Elisya and her husband, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it as Ellana grabbed him by the hand and pulled him across the foyer and up the main staircase.

“I’ll show you your room” she squealed in excitement. “You’re going to love it. It’s right next to mine!”

To be continued…

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